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Cardiovascular Care by Combining
Epigenetics, Genetics & AI

Join us as we enable a new era of heart disease prevention and early detection.

Reduce the Incidence of Heart Disease & Accelerate Precision Medicine

Enable data-driven multi-stakeholder collaborations among patients, innovative providers, health plans, employers, and governmental entities to drive transformative results in heart disease prevention and intervention.

With Cardio Diagnostic’s state-of-the-art solutions:


Health-conscious Americans can proactively participate in heart disease risk assessments via telehealth

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Innovative providers can improve patient outcomes by scaling evidence-based integrated epigenetic-genetic heart disease risk stratification initiatives.


Competitive health plans can promote integrated epigenetic-genetic tests to reduce the costs associated with chronic heart disease.


Savvy employers can protect employee productivity by investing in preventative care


Conscientious governmental organizations can reduce the incidence of heart disease in their populations by adopting an inclusive and accessible test regardless of geography or mobility

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Epi+Gen CHD, the only integrated epigenetic-genetic coronary heart disease risk assessment test, enables more effective decision-making and earlier interventions.

Clinical Evidence

The test is supported by rigorous study of thousands of patients and is 76% sensitive for men and 78% sensitive for women, which is 1.7 times and 2.4 times more sensitive for men and women, compared to the average sensitivity of lipid-based tests

Objective Biomarkers

The test is powered by objective genetic and epigenetic biomarkers and does not rely on self-reported patient data


The test can be completed at home via telehealth or in traditional provider settings and does not require patients to fast


It is associated with up to $42,000 in cost savings per quality-adjusted life year and improved survival

Better Heart Health is Our Mission

Cardio Diagnostics’ vision is to transform the approach to heart disease from treatment-based to prevention-based. We believe that prevention and early detection should be the norm, and that epigenetics-based technologies driven by artificial intelligence will unlock a new era of precision cardiovascular medicine that can help save lives and significantly cut unnecessary treatment costs.

Our team is made up of subject matter experts with deep expertise in cardiovascular disease prevention, clinical testing, artificial intelligence, and engineering. We also have personal experience with heart disease and want to help you and your loved ones avoid its devastating impact.

The Heart Health Newsletter

Filter out the noise and take control of your heart health with our monthly newsletter.

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