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Written by: Zanub Husain
Medically reviewed by:
Rob Philibert, MD PhD 

Exercise is important. In fact, the Department of Health and Human Services encourages everyone to get “at least 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity aerobic activity or 75 minutes per week of vigorous aerobic activity.” By exercising, you can improve blood circulation and strengthen your heart. Exercise also reduces stress and blood pressure, which are top contributors to coronary heart disease (CHD). Not only can exercise reduce your risk for CHD, which is one of the leading causes of heart attack, but it can also improve your overall quality of life.

As beneficial as it may be, finding the motivation to exercise can be hard at times. For some, a pattern of routine exercise can be difficult to get into at first. It takes time to fully engage and, if you’re working towards a goal, the results aren’t always immediate. For others, exercise can be considered something that can be done later, when there is more time. They may find themselves too preoccupied with work, family, or other responsibilities. Yet exercise is a responsibility that we have to ourselves. Stay strong! While the positive outcomes may not immediately be visible to you, it is vital to keep pursuing your fitness goals so you can achieve a happier, heart-healthier life.

Exercise does not need to be odious. Dancing is a fun way to get your heart pumping and your body moving. In a study conducted by the University of Western Sydney, dancing was found to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by 46% when compared with those who rarely or never danced. Dancing has bouts of high intensity and periods of low intensity, making it a great workout without putting too much stress on your body.

Dancing is also a great activity to do with friends and family. A recent poll conducted by OnePoll on behalf of Zhou Nutrition shows that two-thirds (65%) of respondents said they’d be more willing to work out in a group or social setting. So go out with friends or put some music on at home and dance with your family members. You can make some fun memories dancing with one another– strengthening your bonds while strengthening your heart. 

Coronary heart disease is affected by a variety of factors. Find out where your heart health stands with Epi+Gen CHD™.  This heart disease risk assessment test could be your NextGen guide for healthier cardiovascular aging and preventative care.




  1. https://health.gov/sites/default/files/2019-09/Physical_Activity_Guidelines_2nd_edition.pdf
  2. https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/wellness-and-prevention/7-heart-benefits-of-exercise
  3. https://www.health.harvard.edu/newsletter_article/why-we-should-exercise-and-why-we-dont
  4. https://www.ajpmonline.org/article/S0749-3797(16)00030-1/fulltext#relatedArticles
  5. https://swnsdigital.com/us/2022/03/7-in-10-americans-would-exercise-more-if-they-had-this/